domingo, 25 de maio de 2008

Willem da terra dos Hobbits!!! / Willem from the land of the Hobbits!!!

O Willem é um gentil holandês que para aqui anda a brincar aos mergulhadores... tal como o título do post diz, vem da terra dos Hobbits!!!

Willem is a nice gentil dutch that as been around with us for a few days diving... just like the title on the post says, he comes from the land of the Hobbits!!!

Hoje ao chegar à marina:
Today just arriving to the marina:
Carlos: "willem you are to big, please sit so i can see what i am doing..." Willem: "Stand up..."

PS. Carlos isn't on the photo because he was seated
Willem = 1,95m Nélio = 1,81cm and
Carlos = 1,67m :D

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